Monday, June 16, 2008

Why Did the Passenger Cross the Airport?

The official blog from the TSA, Evolution of Security, has a singularly bizarre recent posting on "Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?", which is full of terrible poultry-related puns.

Although this entry is light-hearted fluff, in the posting just before TSA bloggers took on a significant group of political protesters who cherish the right to fly domestically in the United States without ID. There are already over a hundred comments in response to their FAQ on "Why is ID Important for Security?"

Although surveill@nce st@te blogger, good-humored TSA thorn, and Virtualpolitik friend Chris Soghoian had vowed to take the summer off from blogging, he did have to weigh in with "Your papers please: TSA bans ID-less flight" this month. (Check out the chapter about Soghoian in the Virtualpolitik book for more about this controversy.)

To try to improve its otherwise dismal image, the TSA also has its own official YouTube channel. When they x-ray a MacBook Air in one video, we are told that they can't show us the image because of "sensitive security information." Strangely, we also get an eyewitness view of the security checkpoint at BWI from the channel, which seems of more value to potential terrorists than a view of the innards of Apple's latest gadget.

(Thanks to Nedra Weinreich of Spare Change for the link.)

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